The Truth About Why I Quit My Job In October 2016

The question of why I quit my job comes up a lot, in interviews, general convastion, a counselling session. Im going to attempt to keep this as short as I can, because its difficult for me to explain and I can still very clearly remember how I felt in that period of my life. First…

Does Love Give Us Purpose?

Recent circumstances have made me wonder: would being in love give me greater purpose? In these last four years I have only experienced slight crush’s on people. Nothing substantial. Not enough to give me reason to act upon it. I have been numb. Unwilling and not wanting anything more. I have been content with being…

Brief: to end

I don’t want to die. Not really. I want to live. To feel every emotion to its fullest. To be wildly passionate about everything. To love life. But I hate life. Drained, emotionless, alone. I just don’t want to be. To have never existed. To not of affected anyone else’s life in any way. So…